We're here to serve you!

Welcome to the Assemblies of God World Missions Global Children's Ministry Network website. These resources provide tools that will bless and enrich your ministry. Many materials are available in multiple languages.

These free materials are for use only outside of the USA due to copyright laws. You are welcome to browse our materials, but you must register before receiving actual files for use in your country. To receive access, click below to register.

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Children's Church

Check out these helpful materials to help you build your children's church program.

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These materials include a manual and seven-level discipleship program to create a club in your church or community.

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A workbook series sharing successful approaches for addressing the needs of children and youth affected by HIV/AIDS.

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A number of excellent discipleship and Bible study programs. Videos of a recent conference on the Holy Spirit are also included.

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Several helpful materials to help you better evangelize your community, as well as a musical and an outreach program to provide dramatic ways to impact lives.

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A helpful manual to create a passion and excitement for missions among children and young people.

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Miscellaneous materials including a beautiful comic book series, training lessons, and public school religious education lessons.

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Miscellaneous messages and training sessions on a variety of parenting topics, including notes, handouts, and message points.

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Royal Rangers International

Royal Rangers is a hands-on, skills-based mentoring ministry for youth ages 5-17. Mentors provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development in a highly relational and fun, weekly meeting, small group setting. Royal Rangers enables churches to evangelize the next generation, equip them to abide in Christ, and empower them for lifelong service in the mission of God in their family, church, and marketplace. To learn more or to start Royal Rangers in your nation, visit www.RRI.world

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Sunday School

Simple but complete lessons and training on topics such as the 16 fundamental truths, the Holy Spirit, and the life of Christ.

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Teacher Training

Courses and manuals to better prepare teachers, children's workers, and youth leaders, as well as how to create and build a children's ministry.

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Vacation Bible School

Complete VBS courses and training for children of all ages. Includes everything needed to establish a solid program.

If you would like to submit materials for distribution on our web site, please send an email to gcmn@im-agwm.org. Describe what the materials teach or cover, and what language(s) they are available in. Once we receive your information, we will send you a link to use to upload the materials to us. If the materials are copyrighted, we will need a release to make the materials available on the web site.